Redefining Luxury: Authenticity, Craftsmanship, and Modern Elegance in Interior Design

Speaker 1 0:00
This is a k u and v studios original program. The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:48
This is Dubray little host of luxury living with debris Liddell, where we offer expert interior design advice and inspiration.

Unknown Speaker 0:57
Today, we're going to be talking about the language of luxury. Who is a luxury client? So Dupray Can you elaborate a little a little bit on what is luxury?

Unknown Speaker 1:10
The definition is evolving as social consciousness reshaped this landscape authenticity, and a genuine commitment to ethical practices have been essential to accomplish these changes, there is a need to prioritize authenticity, craftsmanship and a deep understanding of consumer values. Yes, I

Unknown Speaker 1:31
think the younger generations are initiating this change. You know, there's traditional luxury that we're all aware of, but with social consciousness and you know, the different things that they're they feel are important. We are having to address them in the industry. It's not about possession so much. It's about a lifestyle, a mindset of belief, and deep rooted feelings. What is I've heard this term what is quiet luxury.

Unknown Speaker 2:04
What is quiet, luxury, subtle, sophisticated and discerning tastes rather than overt displays of wealth. The concept focuses on quality craftsmanship, timeless design, and a sense of exclusivity. That speaks volumes without the need for flashy logos or extravagant endings.

Unknown Speaker 2:24
Oh, so we don't need we don't need to go birthdays and toilets and things of that nature to be considered a luxury interior?

Unknown Speaker 2:39
Oh, no, we don't. It is definitely we're in the we're at what they call the post luxury stage, where we refers to a shift in traditional notions of luxury toward values such as sustainability, authenticity, and experimentation, enrichment it signifies a departure from the capricious consumption and material accesses that were once experiences emphasizes meaningful experiences, ethical production practices, and a deeper connection with product and brands.

Unknown Speaker 3:11
Oh, that makes me so what is the concept of luxury? I mean, where does that come from? And how does the braid little design studios how do you accomplish that style that feel?

Unknown Speaker 3:29
Well, luxury involves more than material possessions and embodies experiences, values and aspirations. It represents the pinnacle of quality, craftsmanship and exclusivity, often associated with exceptional service and attention to detail. While at Dubray little design studio that is our focus we focus on providing all of our clients with an exceptional experience. We get to know them we want to feel as if we get into their head so we know exactly what's important to them. And how to bring out that emotionality that's associated with living in a well designed home. Okay, great. Um,

Unknown Speaker 4:09
there are some some terms that we use when we're communicating with the luxury market such as expensive indulgent comfort, opulence, lavish, elegance, premium, our teas, you know, all of those things, to me are the language of the luxury client. So can you tell us what is what does it mean? When we say something is curated.

Unknown Speaker 4:40
curated means that you've taken the time to get to know the client and find out what's important to them and what's going to bring them an emotional response. And you're actually putting together a collection for that particular client, meaning that it is curated with them in mind, and incorporating and embodying the things that they love into desire.

Unknown Speaker 5:02
That's another term the spoke

Unknown Speaker 5:05
is that bespoke is very similar to custom, it basically means that you are designing whatever that client desires are, or whether it's a piece of art or a piece of furniture or whatever it might be, that is designed specifically for them.

Unknown Speaker 5:26
Okay? Does luxury mean rich?

Unknown Speaker 5:30
No, it doesn't. It might mean rich and potential or possibilities or it might be rich, in terms of how far your imagination will take you. But it certainly does not have $1 value any longer.

Unknown Speaker 5:49
All right. So, you know, in the office, we talk about the three T's of luxury, you want to tell the audience about that?

Unknown Speaker 5:59
Well, the three T's of luxury is tradition, which embodies some heritage and craftsmanship. You're infusing products with history and authenticity. If you look at traditional furniture pieces, or styles, or a particular style of your home, it's something that it is timeless and goes beyond time. The second T's of luxury is timelessness. It refers to designs and experiences that transcend trends Tran's retaining their allure and relevance. As an example of that would that might be a piece of furniture from the 1930s or 20s, that still revelant today, in your interiors. The third is taste, discernment and refinement reflecting an individual's aesthetic preferences and sophistication. So those are the three T's of luxury, okay.

Unknown Speaker 6:58
So when you eat well, so we're putting together and we're making selections, I noticed that you take the time to make sure that all three of these find their way to the design table, you know that you you will incorporate a trend. But the trend itself has to be something that is just not in your face, you know that it is easily incorporated with a brochure chair, for example, you know, you'll take that visitor chair and put a funky fabric on it and paint it. And now all of a sudden, it's a wonderful thing, but it's still a classic piece of furniture. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 7:38
and the will the bones remain the same. A classic or a traditional piece of furniture always remains the same. But the beauty of interior design is that you can customize it to that particular client. And there are so many ways to take treasured pieces and customize them whether as you said you could paint it, you can poster it, you can customize a piece of furniture to make it relevant for your client. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 8:08
There are some things that you consider if it's for good for goods or services that are luxury items, and we've talked about the quality and craftsmanship, the price, exclusivity and the design aesthetic. You know, we have all these pieces of the puzzle to consider. Do you want to speak a little bit about those those things? Well,

Unknown Speaker 8:32
yeah, I mean quality and craftsmanship does separate the item that's that's purchased at your big box store versus something that is custom made for a client, the better the craftsmanship, the better the quality, the happier the client is. And they feel as if you've taken the time to give them the added touch or the extra time in order to produce a product that they will they will love. Price is something that's interesting. Custom or bespoke furniture at times can be pricey, but it's not the high price tag that makes it automatically a good item or good or service. It's basically that that item is well made. That's what separates the difference between something that you've bought at a big box store or something like that, versus something that is that is pricey. But then yet you know that you can trust it, it's probably has a legacy of being made over time or perhaps it's an inspiring new designer that's prior to seeing this particular item. So it really you really have to check the price and look for value when you're looking for a luxury item to place in someone's home. The other is exclusivity and again that goes back to maybe there's an emerging artists that's producing a sculpture that makes it very interesting and maybe a good choice to place a client's home. And that speaks to luxury exclusivity is very important to a high end client. Because they want to know, it's a one of a kind, they like the idea that they've maybe become the VIP client. And there's certain perks with having that maybe they might I mean, having that item, maybe they will offer showing at their home to display the artist is work, or just invite their friends over to at this beautiful piece that they now have design aesthetic on purchasing luxury goods, you want something that is a standout and you want something that again, reflects value for your clients. Because design aesthetic is important you want it to work within the home, it's just not about buying a piece that's fantastic, are well made and has to be integrated into the whole fill the whole feeling that you're trying to convey in that client's home.

Unknown Speaker 11:03
Okay, I like to think that you talked about the quality and craftsmanship, anything that the human hand touches, kind of takes on the soul of the Craftsman or the artisan. And it becomes sort of a living thing, you know, it speaks to the person they connect with the emotion that was put into that piece. So you know, it becomes that special thing they can make they get it.

Unknown Speaker 11:30
I think that's true. I think that is is certainly seeing quite a bit in an art and art curation. But as well as in furniture, selection and pieces, there are pieces that speak to someone, if you are shopping with a client or you're decided that you're going to build something for them you customize a piece for their home, that it definitely has to be a connection for them to make that move, they have to feel some kind of an emotional response to that piece or to that art object or sculpture or piece of art or table or chair, or it may be something as simple as reminding them of some wonderful moment back and back when they were a child or maybe a grandmother read to them in a chair that looks similar to that. So it's all about a it's a living, breathing element to have an emotional connection to your home and the elements that go into your home.

Unknown Speaker 12:25
Okay, so we've talked a little bit about luxury and what it means. What is luxury interior design?

Unknown Speaker 12:33
Luxury Interior Design is an art form that embraces elegance, quality and individuality. So here again, we're touching on quality being the craftsmanship of a piece that's being produced, and individuality again, touches on exclusivity of that piece. By incorporating elements such as fine materials and meticulous craftsmanship and attention to detail. designers create spaces that evoke a sense of exclusivity.

Unknown Speaker 13:05
Have you ever walked into a room and felt instantly transported into a world of opulence and glamour? That's the power of luxury design. Whether it be plus furniture or striking art pieces that are inspiring lighting or luxury design has the ability to make you feel like royalty. I'm sure because I've seen your designs, I'm sure that your clients continue to enjoy their spaces day after day. And they feel all that you poured into all the hard work and energy that you put into the design and it does make them feel glad to be home. So who is your luxury client? Well,

Unknown Speaker 13:47
my luxury client is I would consider it to be a high net worth individuals, someone who has or makes at least I say a million in liquid assets per year. And this could be this comes from various occupations. I've serviced or designed homes for everywhere from physicians to entrepreneurs, to investors to media influences as well as athletes. All of these particular all of these luxury clients all have something in common. They have discerning taste and style and they're smart enough to hire Dubray little design studio

Unknown Speaker 14:36
I was talking to my daughter today who is a millennium. And of course with our 25 year age difference we have a different take on what luxury is. So I asked her I said so what what does your age group find? A draw. What are they drawn to when you talk about law? Cherie. So you Dubray I know you've done a little research on this. What have you found? Because we have a client that was a percent of riot that's coming up? I'm just going to say Yes to the Dress for them. Yeah. That are millennials. So in your preparation, what have you discovered about this age group?

Unknown Speaker 15:24
Well, I've discovered that they, they care, they care about the environment, they care about their physical health, as well as their mental health. And they want products and services that speak to that part of them, which I'm finding it is very interesting. I think it's brilliant they are, they want the experience that comes from having their home design. But they want you to be mindful of the social impact that a particular piece of furniture or a paint, or wood that's being used in their home, because they really want to help the planet, they want to save the planet, I think it's very important to them, and they want to feel at home and feel as if it's a quiet place. It's a refuge from the end of their day. They want products and services that are time saving. They are definitely looking to maximize their enjoyment, time and less time working. Although I find that they work very hard, they probably work smarter, and not harder, but at the same time, they want a home that supports their lifestyle, whether it's jogging in the morning, that so that they have a gym, or maybe there's a yoga studio, but they are looking to have a balance in their home, and they want that to be their sanctuary. And that's what I've discovered and and dealing with millennials as well as the Gen Z generation

Unknown Speaker 16:58
inside it inside. So when we're talking about luxury clients, there's different elements to luxury that we want to bring to the table when we're having those initial consultation conversations with them. One is comfortable seating. So what does that look like? For a luxury client? Can we still do a sectional or does it have to be a Tete a Tete?

Unknown Speaker 17:31
Well, I think when you say comfort then they're definitely looking for sometimes it depends, but usually something that's cushioned well that's supportive, that's comfortable, it may be something that's low to the ground, it depends on their aesthetic. If they're into Japan D style, which is a combination of Scandinavian and Japanese style, which is very minimalist. Sometimes they want furniture that's a low profile and they want it to be made from a linen or cotton or some fabric that is sustainable. But it definitely needs to be comfortable. So I mean, that's still maintained itself that hasn't changed, whether it's a section or a sofa.

Unknown Speaker 18:16
Okay, I think comfort is kind of a word that kind of transcends across all the lines of whatever it is that you're designing for luxury clients. That is the ultimate thing that I am comfortable. Secure a lot you know, but comfort is kind of one of the main objectives of having the ability to buy what you want.

Unknown Speaker 18:40
I think so. I think so. I think that they they're definitely want it to be crafted well but they comfort is the top of this list, especially if there's it's a bespoke piece or a custom piece that you're making for them. You want them to be able to come and actually have a fitting so to speak on that particular piece that you're building for them. You want them to come and sit on the cushions you want them to weigh in on the feel or whether it's down or if it's cotton, or whatever that might be because they want it to be something that they can lounge on and listen to music and enjoy their home. But at the same time they want it to be smart and look great.

Unknown Speaker 19:21
Okay. One of the things we look at too is flooring high quality flooring, with what is trending now or are we looking at trends in flooring when we talk about luxury market?

Unknown Speaker 19:33
I think we are I think the tried and true has always been and I'm gonna say start with wood flooring has been hardwood flooring has remained King at the top of the list. And I think what's important to the the new luxury client is how is that product sealed? What what materials are you using in laying down the The actual wood floors. And because they're concerned about toxicities and toxic smells and fumes coming off of that product, so hardwood floor, it still remains King, although and our environment here in Las Vegas, I would recommend a engineered wood flooring, which is very similar to except for the wood substrate does not go all the way through the entire piece of wood. And so it's basically like three levels deep of wood on top, and there's something that supports it on the bottom that is not wood. But it definitely works in our environment because it avoids warping. And the problem with our heat and the temperature changes that we have. But certainly engineered wood is is an option. And then there's also luxury vinyl plank, which is huge right now. And all households, whether they are the high network, individual household or not, are drawn to using the luxury vinyl. But once again, it comes down to the installation process and how that product is produced. Because oftentimes, they're waterproof. And you really just have to know that product and do some research so that you're not bringing something into the home, that is harmful to your clients in their home. The other option that wood flooring is stone stone remains a top top of the list, you know whether it be some type of travertine is actually making a comeback. So that is a valued stone, certainly is marble. And there's porcelain there's off, there's composites or combo, what's the word I'm trying to think of here. It's a composite that you can use certainly. But once again, what what becomes very important to that particular high end client who's concerned about sustainability is and concerned about consented sustainability and time is how does this product where they want something that's going to be long lasting, and well, I'm a fan of marble, and it's beautiful it is it's been around since the Roman days. It transcends time, that is certainly something that's very timeless. But the there's only there's just a few drawbacks to using marble, they take care. And with that care that requires time, but it's still one of the ones that are the top of the list for for homes and in porcelain is a product that is a composite of porcelain and granite, if I'm not mistaken, to produce a porcelain it's long wearing, and it's beautiful. And it is a wonderful alternative to marble and many clients at the higher income levels, they love the product as well because it's easier to take care of. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 23:14
we had an experience with one of our vendors, with the lighting designer from that company that came out to one of your most recent products and recommended a beautiful solution for one of the alcoves in the entry. So you know, as an observer, I was able to see just how different the whole area looked with, you know, just the right type of lighting in the right place. So let's talk about luxury lighting. It's not just a lamp on the table. So let's talk about that a little bit.

Unknown Speaker 23:55
Luxury lighting is definitely an important detail that must, must be in the home you have task lighting, which is the overall lighting and then you have lighting that are more like mood oriented. For showing off your artwork or for creating intimacy in the space. It's important that that light fixtures light fixtures can make the room by the way. And so you know from recessed lights to large chandeliers or pennants or sconces you want to complete that room and check all levels of lighting and make sure that if you've have lighting that's appropriate for work relaxing home and home relaxing, I should say are in work as well as cooking in your kitchen.

Unknown Speaker 24:49
Okay, so as our program comes to a close, I just wanted to make sure that we mentioned the custom built ins and smart technology in the homes that we'll get If that new millennial person has entered into the luxury market, what they desire most time savings, they seem to be wealthy. So there, there is some problem with the money but their time poor. So they're looking for low maintenance things. So talk to us about custom built ins and how technology can be worked into the home to save them time. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 25:26
well, there's a full custom custom built ins can be everything from a bookshelf to a display case, or are your media center in your home and all of these elements of once it's custom built or made, and then you would add in the technology aspect to that, so that can include anything from LED lighting that can include a sound system that's within the home. And of course, most importantly, it's all about being able to adjust these things or turn them on and off with a remote. Home Automation is very important and go hand in hand with the custom built furniture or even a fireplace for that matter. But I think that home automation definitely works here and whether it's you're concerned about security in your home or just operating your coffee pot. Technology plays a role in the television as well as your window treatments. And so we are capable at Dubray little designs to do of building any type of custom custom furniture that you may need that would suit your home and your needs.

Unknown Speaker 26:46
That's great. I'm glad the audience has been made aware of all that debris little design studios can bring to their environment. And so if you want to tell us how to get in touch with you.

Unknown Speaker 27:01
Yes, you can reach me debris, a little design studio at Dubray little design studio and my email address is Dubray little design And you're welcome. I invite you to peruse my website, which is Dubray little interiors back calm

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Redefining Luxury: Authenticity, Craftsmanship, and Modern Elegance in Interior Design
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